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Kyle Kramm

Small Business Education

One of the most important jobs for a Main Street Program is ensuring the businesses within its commercial district have the tools for success. The tools include special events that bring thousands into their stores, incentives to assist with redeveloping their storefronts, messaging on shopping local, inviting streetscapes and multiple other tools. Providing education for Seguin’s small businesses is probably the most important tool Seguin Main Street can provide to the businesses in downtown Seguin.

Prior to the pandemic, Seguin Main Street was hosting quarterly in-person workshops and partnering with Seguin Economic Development on other educational programs including an annual small business resource fair.

The UTSA Small Business Development Center presenting to the downtown businesses on the services they provide at no cost to Seguin small businesses.

After the pandemic started, we began offering virtual small business trainings; but as vaccinations increase and the infection rate falls, Seguin Main Street is once again preparing to bring back its in-person educational programs in partnership with Seguin Economic Development. To assist us with scheduling meaningful education, we want to hear from Seguin’s small businesses and aspiring entrepreneurs on what educational topics are of interest to them. We are asking businesses to partake in a short survey via

The survey has multiple subject matters including marketing, social media, employee relations, business starts and expansions, business software, and more. Using the responses collected, we will build our educational calendar to reflect the most desired subjects.

“We are asking businesses to take the survey so that we can be sure we are offering education that is relevant to their needs,” said Kyle Kramm, Seguin Main Street & CVB Director, “We have a lot of great businesses in downtown, but they need to continue to develop their skills and education so that they stay competitive and are able to grow.”

Seguin Main Street and Economic Development are looking forward to launching our small business education in July with our annual Small Business Resource Fair, monthly webinars, and quarterly workshops. Be sure to follow Seguin Main Street and Seguin Economic Development Corporation for information on educational sessions as they are scheduled.

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