By: Kyle Kramm, Main Street & CVB Director, (830) 401-2448,

The Seguin Main Street Program is looking forward to a busy 2020 as it looks to fulfill a long list of goals in the coming year. The goals align with two overarching strategies – one, ensuring downtown is a destination for all locals and two, downtown Seguin is an open environment for entrepreneurs of all types.
The new work plan includes 19 goals with strategic actions and timeline for implementation of each action. Goals range in complexity from simple actions such as hosting quarterly educational meetings for downtown businesses to large construction projects like construction of downtown public restrooms. Some goals are ongoing like improved and effective communication with both the public and downtown businesses.
One goal calls for reviewing of downtown codes and developing additional ordinances to positively impact downtown development. This includes review of the uses allowed within the downtown historic district, creating a vacant building ordinance, strengthening and updating design guidelines and developing a sidewalk display ordinance.
A big goal for Seguin Main Street in 2020 will be recruitment of restaurants and dining establishments to downtown. Based on community feedback, the Board and staff recognized restaurants as the single largest request from the public. Ideas being discussed are creating an incentive program directly targeted at restaurants, creating specialized recruitment packages, conducting further consumer analytics to target appropriate prospects and review of codes impacting restaurants.
Another area of focus for the Main Street Program is making connections with students. The Main Street Advisory Board wants all students to have a positive relationship with downtown starting at an early age. Plans are in place to have school fundraisers in connection with downtown businesses, building relationships with higher education institutions to recruit students focused on entrepreneurship and getting more students involved with downtown events.
The largest project on the list is probably downtown public restrooms. While the Board does not plan on having them constructed during 2020, they will be taking steps in the direction by identifying possible funding sources, creating a short list of possible locations and determine operational logistics once constructed.
This is just a quick snapshot of the 2020 Work Plan. To see the entire plan, visit Main Street’s departmental page on the City of Seguin’s website,
We look forward to an exciting 2020.