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Writer's pictureSeguin Main Street


As 2018 came to an end, Seguin Main Street reflected on the many accomplishments of 2018 that happened in downtown. This week we look ahead to what is in store for 2019 in downtown Seguin.

Residential Development

Nine second floor apartments are nearing completion and should be available for lease in the first quarter of the year. This includes six one-bedroom apartments at 205 East Court Street and three two-bedroom apartments at 212 South Austin Street. Several other property owners in downtown are also discussing the possibility of adding apartments on their second floors, taking spaces that have been vacant for decades to occupied.

Historic Preservation

Seguin Main Street staff along with the Historic Design Review Committee are strengthening our local preservation efforts via rewriting our preservation ordinance and conducting a historic resource survey. The rewrite of the preservation ordinance will streamline the designation of local landmarks, clarify minimum maintenance standards for landmarks and much more. The historic resource survey will result in a thorough inventory of Seguin’s historic structures in downtown and along Austin Street and assist in determining future resources for listing as local, state and federal landmarks.

Construction Projects

Several properties remain under construction as we enter 2019, including the expansion of Seguin Brewing into 109 West Gonzales and the subdividing of the old Starcke Sleep Shop into four commercial buildings. Seguin Brewing’s expansion will allow them to brew more beer and will include a kitchen where they will be able to provide their guests with pizzas and other foods. The former Starcke Sleep Shop at the northwest corner of Austin and Court Streets was one large building and the owners have taken the steps to subdivide the building into four spaces. The building has been re-platted and has received TxDOT approval for new utility taps. The façade rehabilitation for one of the new properties has been approved as well. The contractor is working on the interior buildout of all four spaces as well. More construction projects are in the pipeline for 2019 that will mean more growth and more options in downtown Seguin.

Seguin Main Street is looking forward to a busy and productive 2019. We hope you make a resolution in 2019 to visit downtown Seguin often throughout the year.

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